Posts Tagged ‘Irish Stew’

James Whelan Butchers: Slow Cook February

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014 in Foodie Articles, Good Food | No Comments »

Is it over?  Is it really over?  Is the entire month of January now in the past?  Thank God for that as I’m not sure I could have taken much more of those on the New Year abstinence kick. Somehow there seemed to be more of them this year than ever before.  Everyone I met […]

James Whelan Butchers: Chicken Fricassée

Monday, November 18th, 2013 in Poultry & Game Recipes, Recipes | No Comments »

Fricassée is the Irish method of preparing a very tasty stew like dish which is finished with an egg and cream sauce. Chicken Fricassée – Printer Friendly Download Ingredients 1 medium free range chicken 1 lemon 1 carrot peeled and quartered 1 large onion peeled and quartered Bouquet garni made from a sprig of thyme, […]